The Power of Colour

We are speaking of Love tonight because you are moving into the season of Love. Christmas usually ends in sorrow because the hope that Christmas personifies has not come alive in you. As the day ends, you realize that the gifts have not done it, and the turkey has not...

Who You Are

We bring this up because it eventually becomes important to start asking that question to oneself. "Who am I? What have I become? Where is and who is my SELF? And is my SELF still available? Reachable? And can I ever again connect with that SELF that I am?" And in...

Self Acceptance

For as you continue to hold your attention to self, you also lend energy in an expression of acceptance with self. Each time you are projecting energy and your attention outside of yourself, you are projecting an expression which mirrors an aspect of lack of...



Connecting with the Universal Mind Meditation by Orin and DaBen I let myself grow calm and serene. I relax my body. I imagine the sun above me, filling my heart with peace and serenity. I relax my body. I imagine the sun above me, filling my heart with peace and...

Basics of Meditation

For meditation you should sit with identification with the knowledge „I am“ only and have confirmed to yourself that you are not the body.  You must dwell only in that knowledge „I am“–not merely the words „I am.“  The design of your body does not signify your identification.  And also, the name which is given to you or to the body is not your correct identity.  The name which is imposed on you, or the name which you have heard about you–you have accepted that name as yourself.


Rejuvenation for your body, mind and spirit The physically attuned conscious mind in your now cannot handle those staggering probabilities while maintaining a sense of identity, yet there are conscious traces within your daily thoughts that are the psychological...



Daily reliving the day as you wish you had lived it
by Neville Goddard

The very first act of correction or cure is always revise.  One must start with oneself. It is one’s attitude that must be changed…. It is a most healthy and productive exercise to daily relive the day as you wish you had lived it, revising the scenes to make them conform to your ideas. For instance, suppose today’s mail brought disappointing news. Revise the letter. Mentally rewrite it and make it conform to the news you wish you had received. Then, in imagination, read the revised letter over and over again.  This is the essence of revision, and revision results in repeal….

Revision is of greatest importance when the motive is to change oneself….

Not enough money

Here are some recommendations of Elias about generating - not acquiering - money and the reasons why  there is a lack of money. This is a very quick and very effective exercise: If you are concentrating your attention upon the lack of money, this is what you shall...

Slow down

If you run very fast, the very speed gives you an intoxication. That’s why there is so much addiction to speed. If you drive a car, the mind wants to go faster and faster. It makes you intoxicated. Speed releases certain chemicals in the body and in the blood; that’s...


Now; in this, you may practice a small exercise, which you may generate within any moment within your day. As you begin to notice that you are generating an automatic response — which in itself at times may be quite tricky, for automatic responses are precisely that,...

Celtic Imagination

This is a small celtic imagination which brings a lot of fun and joy. The practical aspects of this little exercise will be shown by itself. Imagine a big solitaire tree which not only grows to heaven but also down to the earth with its stem, leaves and crown. Find...

Mirror Exercise

Imagine yourself in a mirror, that being as you perceive changes - older, younger, fatter, thinner, clothed, nude, clothed all different ways. Working out all of these options, play with them until the image stabilizes. Then see that being exit the mirror and go into...

Removing Obstacles

I express to you to be creating your wants and not to be allowing the duplicity of obstacles, for you are quite efficient at creating many, many obstacles for yourselves and expressing discouragement, and subsequently expressing to yourselves that you cannot be...

No Conflict Exercise

My offering to you this day , is to allow yourself, very simply, to be playing the game of no conflict with yourself, and to be allowing yourself to turn your attention from all of these other individuals and to concern yourself with what YOU want, recognizing that you hold no responsibility with respect to other individuals.

Now; the most easily accessed method, so to speak, or exercise in addressing to conflict is to be allowing yourself to play the no-conflict game. This is an exercise that I have offered previously which offers you the ability to be accepting of self, to be not judgmental of other individuals or situations or circumstances, but also offering yourself a manner in which you may view conflicts and confusions and eliminate them. You are not eliminating the belief systems that influence these conflicts, but you ARE eliminating the conflict itself


Trace the path of a probable event Take any incident that happens to you the day you read this page. See the particular chosen event as one that came into your experience from the vast bank of other probable events that could have occurred. Examine the event as you...

Breaking Rules

Ignore everybody.: The more original your idea is, the less good advice other people will be able to give you. When first started with the cartoon-on-back-of-bizcard format, people thought [he] was nuts. Why wasn’t [he] trying to do something more easy for markets to digest i.e. cutey-pie greeting cards or whatever?

You are responsible for your own experience.: Nobody can tell you if what you’re doing is good, meaningful or worthwhile. The more compelling the path, the more lonely it is.

Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten.

Energy Centers

YELLOW- stomach, gall bladder, liver, small intestine, pancreas; breathing (diaphragm), singing, emotional-focus, detachment; radiates out & up; immune system in conjunction with red and green GREEN - blood, circulatory system, heart, hands, arms, lungs,...

Acceptance – 9 Steps

Do not respond.   Listen carefully, engage your inner senses, assess the situation, the position of the individual, and their belief systems.     Intuitively respond.     Arrange your language to accommodate and accept the individual'sbelief...

Exercise in Clarity

I shall be offering this evening an exercise, for it is difficult to be recognizing of alternate channels, and understanding the transmission which is occurring upon alternate channels, when you do not tune completely to the one channel that holds your attention. Your...

Basic Principles

There are only Four Laws in Creation:

1. You exist.
2. The One is All and the All are One .
3. What you put out is what you get back.
4. Change is the only constant…

Except for the first three laws, which never change.


Guest: Oh, so I need to be specific, say I would like to have a relationship with this type of individual and be real specific about the personality, the physical description, something like that?

ELIAS: Definitely not! This is not the point. What requires specifics is what YOU want. Not what you want another individual to be or to express, but what do YOU want to express? What do YOU want to manifest? For in becoming familiar with yourself and offering yourself the freedom to express yourself without limitation, you project outwardly an energy expression which draws to you other individuals which shall reflect in like manner, and therefore you shall generate the type of relationship that you want. But it is not a matter of the other individual, or another individual.


Distraction is a very powerful tool to interrupt unloved patterns. Instead of continuing to struggle with duties – shoulds and musts – it would be more effective to go shopping or doing a walk or anything else pleasurable to find new perspectives. This sounds banal, however it is rarely done.

Be Real!


Always remember, no matter what you are doing, observe whether your center is involved in it or not, because if it is not involved it is better not to do a thing. Don’t do it! No one is forcing you to do anything.

Preserve your energy for the moment when something real happens to you; then do it. Don’t smile, preserve the energy. The smile will come, and then it will change you completely. Then it will be total. Then every cell of your body will smile. Then it will be an explosion ― nothing painted. 


I publish this remarkable statement from Elias under Exercises, because it needs some exercise to relax to calm oneself and to trust in the ability to generate everything that is needed or wanted. It requires the whole attention which has to be exercised in each moment- at least at the beginning – until it becomes a natural behaviour.

Express Yourself

If you have the impression that you don't express freely with other individuals, that you do not express in alignement with your preferences, that you do not express authentically... here is great excercise from Elias about that: Elias: I may express to you, in your...

Financial Abundance

The following are some examples of the vibrational relativity between the common desires and the beliefs that we see in many people regarding their financial abundance. First we will state a common desire that many people hold regarding money or about abundance, and...

How To Notice Comparisons


You are all comparing with what is successful and what is not, comparing abilities and what classifies abilities and creativity as good enough and what is not good enough, comparing how often you engage your craft and how often it should be engaged, that if you are successful, you must be devoting certain quantities of time in the development and the practice of your craft, and if you are not, you are not generating in a successful manner, and therefore, you are not good enough at expressing your craft.

There are also comparisons in association with money, and that other individuals generate this more successfully than do you. This action of comparing has become so very automatic and so consistent that it moves in every aspect of your focus. Every direction that you move within, or that you do not allow yourself to move within, is influenced by this comparing.

I shall express to you an exercise that you may incorporate for a time framework of one week. Within this one week, in each day, notice and document each time you are generating any type of comparison in any manner in association with any subject.

Treantea Poker Players Practice

Treantea is a contradictory method of equalizing expectations in order to be aware of alternate information, providing the best of all possible worlds, in a sense. This exercise is a way to access alternatives to your current internal information so as to allow you to...


Resistance is the primary cause for everything disagreable in life and resistance means  a not allowing of the flow of the own desires, the own expression and the own preferences. Resistance causes judgements, rigidity and stasis. Resistance happens also because one seems to be denied of choices. So if you know already that you have choices but still have resistances, Elias recommands a nice little exercise to notice and to overcome these resistances:

Focus Wheel

The focus wheel process is about purifying your vibration on a particular subject. Remember, Abraham has said, "Want it, and vibrate it, and it is." Our job is to make our vibration higher, faster and purer, all the time. And all the Abraham processes are designed to...

Inner Landscapes

You wish to look futurely; you wish to see into your future. You may, by examining your inner landscape: You hold an emotion. You may create a physical landscape from this emotion. You may create an entire scene stemming merely from one emotion. Allow yourself to move...

Expectations and Trying

Elias: I present to you a small energy rabbit that is soft and delicate, but also in its swiftness somewhat strong and agile. In the moments that you are expressing expectations of yourself and pushing your energy in association with those expectations of yourself —...

Alignement of Chakras

You may incorporate a visualization, which I have offered previously, visualizing each one of your energy centers, beginning with the red and moving upward.  In the visualization, visualize each energy center spinning, and in that spin, visualize them to be moving...


Allow yourself to listen to yourself and incorporate action in association with your own communications. Although you express a fear of your ability to generate what you want, attempt to offer yourself the freedom to generate steps to move in a different direction. If...

Empowering Self-Value

This is a small but very effective exercise that Elias recommands. Indeed, without self-value everything becomes difficult and is effort. Incorporate for a brief time framework  an exercise of viewing yourself as two individuals.  View yourself as you, but also view...

Happiness Map

Now we trust that you are all very comfortable and we thank you for your consideration. This evening we would enjoy bringing a previous discussion on magic into the presentation, and in particular, we would specifically like to discuss map-making, but in a very...

Balancing Touch

For the moment, taking your index finger in the right hand, you can utilize it to gently touch various areas in the four different sectors of the body. Firstly to establish a flow of energy and in this you would follow this procedure: taking your right index finger,...

Fulfilling Desires

You must "see" the reality you prefer as now existing in the moment. Then, it will become tangible in your outer reality. A radio uses a channel tuner to select & receive any one particular station - out of all the programs that are simultaneously existing all...

Adore Yourself

It is absolutely imperative that you come to a place of positive vibration which means you must adore you. If you do not like yourself then you can want until you are blue in the face and those things that you want cannot come into your experience. The balance that you are wanting to bring into your life experience is the balance of appreciating you.


It is significant that you are allowing yourself an objective recognition and understanding of the reflection that you are offering to yourself and you are noticing that you are generating this mirror action to be validating to yourself that you do hold the ability to...

Speaking Out Loud

Elias offers here a very effective mental tool: The Voice. He says that speaking out loud facilitates the creation of material things and events. Seth once spoke also about tones that form matter and he said that the Pyramids and similar constructions have been build with the aid of tone. 

Elias: As I have expressed previously, as you express these thought processes verbally, you also lend energy to their physical creation within this dimension. This is not to say that you may not be creating of any element physically within this dimension without verbalizing your intention and desire in this area, but you acquire much more energy as you do verbalize these thought processes, for you begin the probabilities into an actual physical manifestation, for the very language that you express within creates a physical response, and physical elements are being created.

New Year Resolutions

This is an example of a New Year Resolution by Abraham that can be really fulfilled: ESTHER: Abraham, How do you feel about New Year's Resolutions? And how would you approach a New Year's Resolution if you were in our physical shoes. ABE: They are a wonderful idea....

Quotes – Zitate

  • There is much unexplored potential in each human being. We are not just flesh and bone or an amalgamation of conditionings. If this were so, our future on this planet would not be very bright. But there is infinitely more to life, and each passionate being who dares to explore beyond the fragmentary and superficial into the mystery of totality helps all humanity perceive what it is to be fully human. Revolution, total revolution, implies experimenting with the impossible. And when an individual takes a step in the direction of the new, the impossible, the whole human race travels through that individual.
Just do it!

Gaia Konföderation


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