
I express to you, as I have expressed previously, all is not hidden from you! These are ideas that are expressions of your belief systems. All is quite available to you, and you may view all of your creations quite easily. They lie before you! Your subjective and...

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If man paid more attention to his own subjective behavior, to those feelings of identification with nature that persistently arise, then half of the dictates of both the evolutionists and the creationists would automatically fall away, for they would appear...

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A belief is only a thought that you keep thinking So as you keep thinking this thought, you keep vibrationally attracting relative to that thought. So you confirm your own beliefs again and again and again and again and again. That's why someone who believes in cancer...

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We are all connected - Listen and hear without judgment - No one is right or wrong They just are Reflect or mirror back Respond rather than react Let go of the need to be right Use emotions intelligently.

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Re-focusing Pay attention Spend time with children Remember your dreams Change your point of view Collaborate Transport yourself Improvise Break the rules Believe, and make believe Get away from the media

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You are not eliminating beliefs; you are not eliminating your truths; you are not eliminating expressions that you deem to be uncomfortable or negative.  You are allowing yourselves choice and changing your directions, changing your perceptions, which also changes...

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The evolution of your time-space-reality is nothing more than people having experience and coming to conclusions of desire that then Source Energy answers. And the evolution, actually the speed of it, has to do not so much with the desires that are being born,...

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The Beasts of Your Planet

The beast, whether it is your dog or cat or squirrel, or no matter what beast you are affectionately addressing, is, for the most part, less specifically focused than you are. He is less of a deliberate creator. He deciphers contrast less specifically than you do....

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How or What?

  "The greatest shock in this age of transition: what you have thought all the time as Fairy Tales is actually the way life is......" In general the first question to realize a desire is: How can I do that. How can I be rich, healthy, happy, knowing? And then the...

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Circumstances Don’t Matter

Matter is only a symbol of inner states of being. So if one wants to change the "outside" one has to change the state of being first. The question is: What state of being do I prefer? And then imagine it, act upon it, behave like the imagined person...   Die...

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Fake it

Fake it till you make it! Pretend that Niagara Falls is your source of supply. That all of your Well-being flows from that source. Pretend that that source is yours alone to utilize. As you stand there on the shore overlooking that awesome flow, you would not feel...

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Carpe Diem

Lasse deinen Wert zu und lass' die Feen des Universums dir assistieren. Hör' auf, dir so viel Verantwortung aufzubürden und lebe einfach glücklich. Verkürze den Abgrund zwischen dem Hier und dem Dort, wo du sein willst - egal was es ist - zum jetzt, jetzt, jetzt,...

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That is the point in this shift in consciousness, to be directing of yourself and not being directed by other individuals or authorities, to be allowing yourself the freedom of choice and intentional creation to incorporate an awareness and a familiarity of self in...

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Expect the Wild Card

You are in the middle of a tremendous shift that you've asked for, that it's time for, that I came for! It's not one that's going to destroy you! You don't have to fear it. It's one you're in control of as you're becoming more quantum. You're starting to understand...

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The Holy Spirit

Question: How does the Holy Spirit work in this world? Bashar: All right. Again, the idea is that our perception of, what you call, the Holy Spirit is the collective electromagnetic mentality, the actual energy out of which all of your individual minds are created....

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I KNOW – Ich Weiß

I KNOW – Ich Weiß

All that I may express to any individual, and yourself also, you DO already know! I am merely reminding you of that which you already know. My purpose, so to speak, in interaction is to be facilitating of the remembrance. You already hold all of this information. You...

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How To Create World Peace

It is very simple, act like your world is at peace. Live in peace within yourself first, then you, as an individual, will set a shining example for how other individuals may be able to choose to live as well. ONE individual makes a difference, and the fundamental idea...

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Everyone can be the sons and daughters of their parents, but very few ever finally decide to say I am the royal blood of my Holy Spirit and this is the life that I must live. And Bashar says about what every human being really is... Not only sons and daughters, but...

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Follow Your Excitement

Act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance with your Higher Self. Excitement is a "sign" that the activity you are contemplating is aligned with your Higher Self, and this alignment is what causes the excitement. This naturally leads you to what you are "meant" to...

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The Power Of Crystals

What are the Crystals? The Crystals date from the time of the old Atlantis. They are the Crystals of Divine Reality. They have the highest energy and they are from the highest light. Every Crystal has its own consciousness and is assigned to a specific deity. Besides,...

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Love is Knowledge and Appreciation

Without knowledge - about the unlimited self - love is not possible, because without knowledge fear is dominant. And without appreciation of who you are yourself - and therefore of the others - love is impossible. Love ist not an emotion. Love is an action and...

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FREE Resources

All the resources you will ever want or need are at your fingertips. All you have to do is identify what you want to do with it, and then practice the feeling-place of what it will feel like when that happens. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have. You are...

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The Present

Creation occurs only in the present. The present is the Now result of what you Now believe to be most true for you. Continuity from one present moment to the next is considered "normal", but is actually optional... If you suddenly make a discrete shift in beliefs, you...

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Erlaubnis zur Heilung

Bashar hat in seiner Übertragung vom Februar 2012, Riding the 2012 Wave, über eine kurze Meditation gesprochen, die eine Art "Erlaubnisöffnung" für Heilung ist. Es ist eine ganz einfache Meditation, die nur 3 Minuten dauert. Was man dazu braucht ist die Symphonie Nr....

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Self Valutation – Selbstwert

Love is knowing the deservability and worthiness of all. Hate is not the opposite of Love. Hate is Love processed through judgement. The absence of self value and the belief in one's total lack of deservability is guilt - the opposite of love. Begin with Self...

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The Seeker

The seeker is he who is in search of himself Give up all questions except one: ‘Who am I’. After all, the only fact you are sure of is that you are. The ‘I am’ is certain. The ‘I am this’ is not. Struggle to find out what you are in reality. To know what you are, you...

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Women in Combat

Seth speaks... Women make a grave error, when they try to prove their "equality" with men, by showing that they can enter the armed forces or go into combat, as well as any man. War always makes you less as a species than you could be. Women have shown uncommon good...

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Signs Follow

It is impossible for the poor man to find wealth in this world no matter how he is surrounded with it until he first claims himself to be wealthy. For signs follow - they do not precede. To constantly kick and complain against the limitations of poverty while...

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Sacred Sounds

Sacred Sounds

Everything in the Universe is vibration. Sound is therefore maybe the most direct expression of these vibrations and it was common for ancient civilizations to use sound as a tool. We have to discover this again... The most important part if you use sound is to have...

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Wandel in Klarheit

Ich fand diesen Ausschnitt aus einem Gedicht von Alberto Caeiro in einen Film, der vor kurzem auf 3sat lief. Der Film selber war eine etwas altmodisch wirkende Liebesgeschichte, die ganz angenehm dahinplätscherte. Das Gedicht aber war das Highlight. Sehr schön und...

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Flügel des Allwissens

Selbst die größten Wunder, die durch eine rein menschliche Anstrengung erfolgen, sind nichts, entgegen den Wundern, die ein geklärter menschlicher Geist erschaffen kann. Yogananda Kinder des Einen, dem wir alle abstammen und entspringen! Überwindet eure inneren...

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Signature Vibration

The question which was asked to Bashar was about how sound and dance can best serve this planet at this time. His answer is: Find your Signature Vibration! Bashar: By moving to whatever moves you. By allowing yourself to recognize that everything is vibration, and...

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Was ist Meditation

Wir kennen die äußere Welt mit ihren Ereignissen und Aktionen, aber wir wissen sehr wenig über die innere Welt mit ihren Gedanken und Gefühlen. Der Hauptzweck der Meditation ist es, sich das innere Leben bewusst zu machen und sich damit zu familiarisieren. Der...

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Now that the energy shifted into a slightly more positive than negative state - into a New Age - allowing is more than ever important. If you ever asked yourself how to come into this state of allowing, Abraham (Hicks) offers here a very simple method how to do it. If...

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Stop Waiting

Bashar about how "waiting" generates mass, in example gaining weight. It is not only about physical movement which helps certainely, but it is mainly about moving in consciousness. So - stop waiting i.e. for better times... Life is now! "Many time weight is just...

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Nomaden der Ewigkeit

Taumeln wir nicht Alle von einem Leben in das Nächste, von einer Dimension in eine Andere. Auch wenn wir viele Äonen auf der Erde verbringen, so bleiben uns alle diese langen Leben unverknüpft und wir denken jedes Mal, dass es das einzige Leben sei, das wir gerade...

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Just Be Happy!

It's not about creating that reality, it's really about attracting that reality. Everything already exists, it was already done by Creation, you don't have to do it again. All you have to do is manifest it through you, in your unique way. That is how you are a...

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The Formula Of Creation

The Formula Of Creation

The formula for creating is very simple. And this is the basis of your genuine self. And the formula includes three components... You project energy, You reflect energy, andYou either react to the reflection or You choose in relation to the reflection. This is the...

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The Ultimate Question

That is the ultimate question: what is to your greatest benefit? Pay attention to that. If you must ask a question, ask the question "what is to MY greatest benefit?" in any situation. That is the key of what to pay attention to. This advice is from the Elias Session...

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Physical Healing

Healing your physical bodies is another of those things that is so simple and so easy! Yet you often make it complicated and hard. Your physical bodies and every single cell in them have their own individual consciousness and intelligence. Your bodies and every cell...

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Are You Normal?

You often define yourselves and your lives by what society tells you is "normal". It's not normal to be able to run 25 or 50 miles without tiring. It's not normal to see perfectly without corrective lenses if you've worn them all your lives. Normal, friends, is an...

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Belief Changing Process

  One of the great tools from Abraham on how to change immediately impeding beliefs: Here is the process he offers - as he says quite humorously - in 30 seconds... Make a statement of desire “I WANT” and what that automatically does is pinpoint the particle that you...

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Life Is NOW

Your life is right now! It's not later! It's not in that time of retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well...

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Compromise vs. Cooperation

Cooperation does not require agreement, and it does not require “like.” It is not necessary for you to like a manifestation or an expression to cooperate with it. Cooperation does not require that you like or agree with an expression or a manifestation. In this, if...

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Manifestation Believing is Seeing

Manifestation is not something that you pull to you from somewhere else. Manifestation is the realization and the harmonizing with the vibration of what already exists here with you that you simply do not see yet because it is invisible to the vibrational level you...

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Everyone doesn’t have to be the same. Most say, “Well, it’s so much easier if we’re all the same.” And we say, it is not easier when you’re all the same; conformity is the thing that thwarts you most. That massive wanting to get you to conform—to all think the same...

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Be Selfish

Being selfish is considered as a sin, not only by religious institutions but also by the contemporary Zeitgeist. It is expected to show at least a kind of  team spirit or even to sacrify oneself  for others and if you do that to a large extent you are considered as...

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Watch Inside

You don't have to create the version of reality you wish to experience. It already exists! It's happening right now - on some other parallel reality-track. All you have to do is "select" it and "let it in"! And here comes the believing into the play. You select by the...

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The Magical Life Das magische Leben

The magical life is a decision, a choice, a way of thought and a way of being. Magic is the ability to change consciousness. Since your world is formed through your thoughts, beliefs and emotion, changing those thoughts leads to a change in your life. If you are faced...

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The Crack Of Least Resistance

We want to make three powerful statements to you, and if these are the only three things you ever hear, they will be enough. 1 The ONLY problem, the ONLY thing that causes you any trouble, the only thing that slows you down, the only thing that keeps you from what you...

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What you perceive consciously as imagination or pretending is a mirror image of your essence and its thoughts, this being the most creative part of your essence. Imagination is incorporated in all physical developmental focuses. It is incorporated in all dimensions...

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Kämpfe nicht. Fühle!

Was immer man sich wünscht kann man "anfühlen", so dass es ein stetig präsentes Gefühl ist. Es ist nicht notwendig zu kämpfen, was die altmodische Art ist, das Gewünschte (mehr oder eher weniger) zu erreichen - sondern zu fühlen und das im voraus, was natürlich die...

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Fake it

Fake it till you make it! Pretend that Niagara Falls is your source of supply. That all of your Well-being flows from that source. Pretend that that source is yours alone to utilize. As you stand there on the shore overlooking that awesome flow, you would not feel...

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Feel it

Visualize in your mind the perfect solution without knowing what it is. How do you do that? Here's how: Visualize yourself peaceful, as if it was finally over...not just suppressed, but over. Take the now out of linear... Make time advance to a place in the future...

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You attract by your vibration. Everything in the Universe is experiencing the powerful Law of attraction...And when you are vibrating in pain, you cannot attract joy. The vibration of pain attracts only pain. The vibration of joy attracts joy, the vibration of illness...

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Well-being is just a thought, that feels good. You could have every deadly disease known to man, within you, today, and if you chose different feeling thoughts tomorrow, they would all leave your body. They are not physical things that have jumped into you. They are...

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You translate them into what you perceive to be things, for you occupy your attention within a physical reality. But in actuality, energy is merely another term for movement.  Energy is the movement OF consciousness Energy Signatures You all appear quite different [to...

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Vertrauen – Trust

Das sind die Elemente, die Komponenten von Vertrauen... Sei aufmerksam ... auf das, was du tust über deine Assoziationen und Gefühle auf das, was du denkst Diese drei Handlungen sind die Komponenten, die es dir erlauben - oder eben nicht erlauben - Vertrauen zu haben....

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Cooperation is an action that you generate within yourself.  It is an action that you incorporate, in a manner of speaking, to honor yourself.  It is an action of not opposing yourself.  Compromise is an opposing energy.  There is always expectation associated with...

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Prayer is the most wonderful experience man can have. Unlike the daily murmurings of the vast majority of mankind in all lands who by their vain repetitions hope to gain the ear of God, prayer is the ecstasy of a spiritual wedding taking place in the deep, silent...

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Motivation vs. Inspiration

Motivation ist, wenn man sich dazu bewegen will, Etwas zu tun, was man eigentlich nicht tun will. Sie ist also eine Art Zwang, die man auf sich Selbst ausübt, um bestimmte "Pflichten" oder Ähnliches zu erfüllen. Motivation geht sozusagen immer Hand in Hand mit soll...

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Dreams are the closest experience you incorporate presently, which will allow you to understand this new developmental focus. Imagine yourselves to be in a dream state but experiencing physical reality. There, you incorporate many more dimensions of existence and of...

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17 Sekunden

Einen reinen Gedanken 17 Sekunden lang zu halten, entspricht einer Arbeitsleistung von 2000 Stunden. Einen reinen Gedanken 34 Sekundenn zu halten, entspricht einer Arbeitsleistung von 20.000 Stunden. Einen reinen Gedanken 51 Sekunden zu halten, entspricht einer...

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The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create....

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Be like a cat

Love a cat... If you really want to find the perfect human relationship, look for someone who is cat-like. Likes to be alone and happy to be with you. Happy when you are there and happy when you're not there. Licks your face occasionally. Will take all the scratching...

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Quotes – Zitate

  • Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace. Watch the turmoil of beings, but contemplate their return. Each separate being in the universe returns to the common source. Returning is the source of serenity.If you don“t realize the source, you stumble in confusion and sorrow. When you realize where you come from, you naturally  become tolerant, disinterested, amused, kindhearted as a grandmother, dignified as a king. Immersed in the wonder of the Tao, you can deal with whatever life brings you, and when death comes, you are ready.
Just do it!

Gaia Konföderation


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