
As you allow yourself to genuinely turn your attention to you – genuinely turn your attention to YOU – and allow yourself to relax and quiet yourself and discontinue PUSHING, you also generate an energy expression that allows you to trust, to trust your...

Express Yourself

If you have the impression that you don’t express freely with other individuals, that you do not express in alignement with your preferences, that you do not express authentically… here is great excercise from Elias about that: Elias: I may express to you,...


What you perceive consciously as imagination or pretending is a mirror image of your essence and its thoughts, this being the most creative part of your essence. Imagination is incorporated in all physical developmental focuses. It is incorporated in all dimensions...

How To Notice Comparisons

Now; initially within your initial days, you may experience some challenge with that, for as I have expressed, this has become automatic, and automatic responses are challenging to notice. But if you are genuinely engaging this action, you shall begin in increments to...

Stärkung des Selbstwertes

Das ist eine kleine aber sehr effektive Übung von Elias. Tatsächlich liegt das Selbstwertgefühl im Argen. Der moderne Mensch fühlt sich im allgemeinen minderwertig und sieht sein Leben letztendlich als sinnlos an, das dann im Tod vollkommen ausgelöscht wird. Deshalb...
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