All Pleasure Is Acceptable

Elias About Drugs You may move in the direction of many pleasurable actions, but once you move in the direction that is not compliant with the mass belief systems, that pleasure automatically becomes unacceptable and bad, and no pleasure – we shall rock your...


You translate them into what you perceive to be things, for you occupy your attention within a physical reality. But in actuality, energy is merely another term for movement.  Energy is the movement OF consciousness Energy Signatures You all appear quite different [to...

Inner Landscapes

You wish to look futurely; you wish to see into your future. You may, by examining your inner landscape: You hold an emotion. You may create a physical landscape from this emotion. You may create an entire scene stemming merely from one emotion. Allow yourself to move...

Expectations and Trying

Elias: I present to you a small energy rabbit that is soft and delicate, but also in its swiftness somewhat strong and agile. In the moments that you are expressing expectations of yourself and pushing your energy in association with those expectations of yourself —...

Alignement of Chakras

You may incorporate a visualization, which I have offered previously, visualizing each one of your energy centers, beginning with the red and moving upward.  In the visualization, visualize each energy center spinning, and in that spin, visualize them to be moving...
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