Who You Are

We bring this up because it eventually becomes important to start asking that question to oneself. „Who am I? What have I become? Where is and who is my SELF? And is my SELF still available? Reachable? And can I ever again connect with that SELF that I...


Connecting with the Universal Mind Meditation by Orin and DaBen I let myself grow calm and serene. I relax my body. I imagine the sun above me, filling my heart with peace and serenity. I relax my body. I imagine the sun above me, filling my heart with peace and...


Wichtig ist, sich nicht auf Sorgen oder alltägliche Begebenheiten zu konzentrieren. Um erfolgreich Psychologische Zeit zu praktizieren, ist es notwendig, diese Dinge loszulassen. Ab einem gewissen Punkt wird man sich leicht und wach fühlen, vielleicht sieht man helle...


Rejuvenation for your body, mind and spirit The physically attuned conscious mind in your now cannot handle those staggering probabilities while maintaining a sense of identity, yet there are conscious traces within your daily thoughts that are the psychological...


The Pruning Shears of Revision You can revise the day to please yourself and by experiencing in imagination the revised speech and actions not only modify the trend of your life story but turn all its discords into harmonies. The one who discovers the secret of...
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