The Power of Colour

We are speaking of Love tonight because you are moving into the season of Love. Christmas usually ends in sorrow because the hope that Christmas personifies has not come alive in you. As the day ends, you realize that the gifts have not done it, and the turkey has not...

Who You Are

We bring this up because it eventually becomes important to start asking that question to oneself. „Who am I? What have I become? Where is and who is my SELF? And is my SELF still available? Reachable? And can I ever again connect with that SELF that I...

Self Acceptance

For as you continue to hold your attention to self, you also lend energy in an expression of acceptance with self. Each time you are projecting energy and your attention outside of yourself, you are projecting an expression which mirrors an aspect of lack of...

Inner Landscapes

You wish to look futurely; you wish to see into your future. You may, by examining your inner landscape: You hold an emotion. You may create a physical landscape from this emotion. You may create an entire scene stemming merely from one emotion. Allow yourself to move...

Expectations and Trying

Elias: I present to you a small energy rabbit that is soft and delicate, but also in its swiftness somewhat strong and agile. In the moments that you are expressing expectations of yourself and pushing your energy in association with those expectations of yourself —...
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