A perfect day by Abraham

How could I ever begin to apply the never-ending spewing of processes that you’ve been giving us over the years?” Abraham We’re going to start the night before. We would put ourselves in our bed and we would lie there in the bed and try to achieve the feeling of...

Looking for Treasures

The most needed thing in reality creation are high emotional vibrations which attract the desired events into physical reality. They can be produced in imagination while watching the already fulfilled desires and they can be collected by remembering high emotional...

Skala der Gefühle

  Freude/Wissen/Kraft/Freiheit/Liebe Wertschätzung Leidenschaft Enthusiasmus/Wissbegierde/Glück Positive Erwartungen/Glauben Optimismus Hoffnung Zufriedenheit Langeweile Pessimismus Frustration/Irritation/Ungeduld Überwältigung Enttäuschung Zweifel Sorge...

Adore Yourself

And you appreciate you… not all at once on the big things,… you appreciate yourself… One thought by one thought. One segment by one segment. One moment by one moment, by looking for reasons to appreciate yourself. If you are having trouble in your...


It is significant that you are allowing yourself an objective recognition and understanding of the reflection that you are offering to yourself and you are noticing that you are generating this mirror action to be validating to yourself that you do hold the ability to...
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