Animal Spirits by S. Riordan

Last night Samantha was watching CNN and saw a story of a cat who had run into a fire and with much risk and pain to herself saved all of her kittens. There is an underlying belief in your society that animals cannot feel that animals are not as „good“ or...

Control and Exposing

Some statements by Elias on Control, Appeciation Exposure and a new kind of Interaction Guest:  I suppose what comes to mind is acceptance of energy.  ELIAS:  That is a prerequisite, but beyond the acceptance.  For let me clarify, you may be accepting and that may not...

Core Belief Systems

The core belief system of  the creation of the physical universe For much time framework, you have accepted that your origins spring from one location. Your [modern] sciences and your [premodern] religions support this, that you hold your origins of your species upon...

Skala der Gefühle

  Freude/Wissen/Kraft/Freiheit/Liebe Wertschätzung Leidenschaft Enthusiasmus/Wissbegierde/Glück Positive Erwartungen/Glauben Optimismus Hoffnung Zufriedenheit Langeweile Pessimismus Frustration/Irritation/Ungeduld Überwältigung Enttäuschung Zweifel Sorge...

Magick and Thelema

I re-discovered some of the work of Aleister Crowley and find it really interesting, more than years ago. Crowley intendet to establish a new religion – Thelema – where the individual’s free will and choices are valued.  Each person is like a star...
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