What is Samadhi

In reply to a question from a sannyasi, Ramana Maharshi made the following statement about samadhi: Holding on to Reality is samadhi. Holding on to samadhi with effort is savikalpa samadhi. Merging in Reality and remaining unaware of the world is nirvikalpa samadhi....


Co-creating with another person can be fabulous. Two or more people thinking a little differently — can add balance and breadth, and depth, to one another’s desires. Two people, master minding, can add power to a desire. Although you assist in adding...

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Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status- quo. You can quote them, disagree with them,...

Numbers and Synchronicity

11:11 Question: I keep seeing the number eleven-eleven, as in the digits on a clock. Bashar: Yes, yes, synchronicity. You are setting up your own vibration and allowing your consciousness to remind you when you are on that track, when you are on that frequency....

The Magic

Each of you manifests within any focus of attention – which is what you are physically now – in an expression of individuality and a highly expressed manifestation of uniqueness, and what creates your reality is your perception. Therefore, I have stated...
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