Why mental training?

Motivation – Personal Growth – Self-Creation The question is rather why not? If we suppose, that the world is created from „inside“ – and all speaks in favour of this – then it is imperativ to know one self and to uncover the own...

Core Belief Systems

The core belief system of  the creation of the physical universe For much time framework, you have accepted that your origins spring from one location. Your [modern] sciences and your [premodern] religions support this, that you hold your origins of your species upon...

Seth about Atlantis

Your ideas of Atlantis are partially composed of future memories. They are psychic yearnings toward the ideal civilization – patterns within the psyche, even as each fetus has within it the picture of its own most ideal fulfillment toward which it grows....

12 Signs

  12  Signs of Your Awakening Divinity By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias I, Tobias , will speak through our friend, the one we call Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe), but we will be speaking to each of you, to your hearts, to your Divine Selves on this day. The words that you hear...
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