
 May knowledge and intuition combine to guide you in thought and deed, and you will display a heart of boundless love for all creation. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Smile and feel.This is a text from the Blessings Generator . It mixes blessings and...

Feel it

Visualize in your mind the perfect solution without knowing what it is. How do you do that? Here’s how: Visualize yourself peaceful, as if it was finally over…not just suppressed, but over. Take the now out of linear… Make time advance to a place in...

Vertrauen – Trust

Das sind die Elemente, die Komponenten von Vertrauen… Sei aufmerksam … auf das, was du tust über deine Assoziationen und Gefühle auf das, was du denkst Diese drei Handlungen sind die Komponenten, die es dir erlauben – oder eben nicht erlauben –...

Inner Landscapes

You wish to look futurely; you wish to see into your future. You may, by examining your inner landscape: You hold an emotion. You may create a physical landscape from this emotion. You may create an entire scene stemming merely from one emotion. Allow yourself to move...

Think Kosmically Act Globally

What does it mean to be an original thinker? What is original thinking? What is originality? What is thinking? Thinking for most people is information shuffling. When they say they are thinking they are in fact shuffling information. Thinking is not shuffling...
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