Eden – Seth

Seth on “The Garden of Eden  •  Awakening of the Outer Ego”  The Garden of Eden legend represents a distorted version of man’s awakening as a physical creature. He becomes fully operational in his physical body, and while awake can only sense the dream body that had...

Control and Exposing

Some statements by Elias on Control, Appeciation Exposure and a new kind of Interaction Guest:  I suppose what comes to mind is acceptance of energy.  ELIAS:  That is a prerequisite, but beyond the acceptance.  For let me clarify, you may be accepting and that may not...

Breaking Rules

Don’t try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether.: Your plan for getting your work out there has to be as original as the actual work, perhaps even more so. The work has to create a totally new market. There’s no point trying to do the same...
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