A perfect day by Abraham

How could I ever begin to apply the never-ending spewing of processes that you’ve been giving us over the years?” Abraham We’re going to start the night before. We would put ourselves in our bed and we would lie there in the bed and try to achieve the feeling of...

Control and Exposing

Some statements by Elias on Control, Appeciation Exposure and a new kind of Interaction Guest:  I suppose what comes to mind is acceptance of energy.  ELIAS:  That is a prerequisite, but beyond the acceptance.  For let me clarify, you may be accepting and that may not...

Exercise in Clarity

I shall be offering this evening an exercise, for it is difficult to be recognizing of alternate channels, and understanding the transmission which is occurring upon alternate channels, when you do not tune completely to the one channel that holds your attention. Your...

Adore Yourself

And you appreciate you… not all at once on the big things,… you appreciate yourself… One thought by one thought. One segment by one segment. One moment by one moment, by looking for reasons to appreciate yourself. If you are having trouble in your...
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